Capacity of the sun a a virtually limitless source of energy

"I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that."
~Thomas Edison (1847~1931)

Buildings as Power Stations: a new vision for the built environment

"Every day we get enough energy from the sun to power our planet for 27 years...yet nearly all of this goes to waste."
~Research project SPECIFIC by Swansea University

Solar light for the base of the pyramid

"Did you know that breathing kerosene fumes is the equivalent of smoking two packets of cigarettes a day and two-thirds of adult females with lung cancer in developing nations are non-smokers.Yet globally, an estimated 500 million households still rely on kerosene or other liquid fuels for lighting." By yours trully

Energy: A multifaceted divide

“ Access to electricity is fundamental to opportunity in this age. It’s the light that children study by, the energy that allows an idea to be transformed into a real business. It’s the lifeline for families to meet their most basic needs, and it’s the connection that’s needed to plug Africa into the grid of the global economy.”
US President Barack Obama

Sustainability development

"In a few decades, the RELATIONSHIP between the environment, resources and conflict may seem almost as obvious as the connection we see today between human rights, democracy and peace"
~Wangari Maathai (1940 - 2011)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I was just reading this famous quote by Einstein "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones"  and it got me thinking,Is there a possibility of WW3 in the near future.In every corner of the world there are a lot of ongoing military wars that have resulted into tremendous causalities and  violent deaths.Just a few of them worth mentioned are the Gaza war,Yemeni Civil war,Syria revolution,Libya war for democracy,the never ending Somali piracy and civil unrest ,war against terrorism and last but not least the Mexico drug war. Due to this wars many people have lost their loved ones.people have lost their lives,some have lost eyesight ,some have been raped and deflowered,it has showed us the inhumanity of human beings towards others human beings.Nevertheless there are too far from being called WW3.This is because a World War is a military conflict spanning more than 2 continents, in which at least 20 major countries participate in an attack against a common enemy, and which has the attention of the man-in-the-street due to the significant loss of life.
 At this time,with human being venturing into the world of sophisticated weaponry  and technology advancement  they have developed enough powerful weapons and chemical weapons that could wipe out the entire planet a number of times and put us right back to the stone age, where we would have to start all over again. And I think this is what Einstein was trying to preach to us.If we can have WW3 tomorrow  the whole mother nature  and human race in it will be wiped out such that if someone happen to remain alive he will have to start over from the stone age and agrarian period.And that is what Lord Louis Mountbatten also sad "If the Third World War is fought with nuclear weapons, the fourth will be fought with bows and arrows." When would this WW3 be?A friend of mine  told me that the only thing stopping WW3 from happening is mutually assured economic destruction. For example,If China nukes the US, they will be economic downtown in China because the US won't be able to consume their junks anymore, and then the rest of the world will fall like dominoes. All of the major world economies are linked together at this point.However some people think otherwise.Some things  that the WW3 has already started unofficially.They believe  that the WW3 is about Oil and the dance partner is China.China is already a significant power in Asia and day by day it keeps on increasing its global influence with its economic policies in Africa ,Latin America and Europe.It's future global prowess both in economic and military is indisputable.It is commonly referred to the "emerging superpower".But few decades to come there is a likelihood that it will make that one small step from emerging superpower to superpower well all the world is watching.At that time i can not tell how the world will be shaped with China being the superpower but u can imagine how it will be.So if people say that China will play a greater role in ww3 I definitely agree with them.
but wait....Is it WW3 that we should be worried about?how about the Armageddon;the war that will end all wars.The coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the world.Whether you will be part of a new world.It is a another long story so lets keep it for another day but really JUST THINK ABOUT IT