Capacity of the sun a a virtually limitless source of energy

"I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that."
~Thomas Edison (1847~1931)

Buildings as Power Stations: a new vision for the built environment

"Every day we get enough energy from the sun to power our planet for 27 years...yet nearly all of this goes to waste."
~Research project SPECIFIC by Swansea University

Solar light for the base of the pyramid

"Did you know that breathing kerosene fumes is the equivalent of smoking two packets of cigarettes a day and two-thirds of adult females with lung cancer in developing nations are non-smokers.Yet globally, an estimated 500 million households still rely on kerosene or other liquid fuels for lighting." By yours trully

Energy: A multifaceted divide

“ Access to electricity is fundamental to opportunity in this age. It’s the light that children study by, the energy that allows an idea to be transformed into a real business. It’s the lifeline for families to meet their most basic needs, and it’s the connection that’s needed to plug Africa into the grid of the global economy.”
US President Barack Obama

Sustainability development

"In a few decades, the RELATIONSHIP between the environment, resources and conflict may seem almost as obvious as the connection we see today between human rights, democracy and peace"
~Wangari Maathai (1940 - 2011)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Smart Grid

Smart grid is basically an intelligent electricity network that uses digital technology to efficiently supply sustainable,economic and secure electricity to the consumers.It essentially take an electricity grid and deliver to it communications and computer technology,so that suppliers can deliver electricity to consumers in a wider range of conditions, while also accommodating renewable energy resources such as wind and solar .It  basically integrate  innovative products together with intelligent monitoring, control,sensor technology ,analysis and communication capabilities to the electrical delivery system hence maximizing throughput of the system while reducing the energy consumption.The Smart Grid will allow utilities to move electricity around the system as efficiency and economically as possible. It will also allow the homeowner and business to utilize electricity as economically as possible.One of the ways that makes this possible is by introduction of smart meters.
It  will also not only increase reliability but also reduce energy in the delivery process and thereby reducing  greenhouse house emissions hence significantly reducing the environmental impact of the whole electricity system.
Investing into the smart grid is a crucial step towards better energy practice. We can put solar and wind turbines up all we want, but if that energy isn’t properly utilized it matters very little. It will allow consumers to play a art in optimizing the operation of the system and on other hand provide consumers with greater information and options for choice of supply.Not only does a smart grid potential benefit consumers, but it allows incentives for developers who will gain access to a greater market.Introduction of a smart grid into our already existing grid will also facilitate the building of the EV charging infrastructure.
In the introduction of smart grid different countries have different objectives of its introduction.Japan,for example, focuses on introducing a demand response system that will better manage frequency fluctuations,building charging infrastructure to enable further diffusion of EVs and utilization of smart meters and ICT network to create new services.They already have some pilots projects already under construction.This will help to move Japan a step closer to a low-carbon society.
A smart grid in my perspective is a great idea for the developed countries however developing countries like most of African countries are not yet in a position to harness smart grid technology.With introduction of the smart grid there will be a tremendous change in the electricity infrastructure since it will also need to incorporate  renewable energy.So far there are over 585million people in Africa who can not access electricity especially people living in rural areas.The respective governments are not is a position to develop extensive electricity infrastructure.It therefore goes without saying that introducing a totally different kind of grid will be a fundamental problem to the government.However,one better way that is highly applicable for African countries is microgrid and not smart grid.